Adult Study & Small Group

Sunday Morning

Each Sunday during the academic year, September through June, we offer a formation class for adults at 9am in the Performance Hall. There are a wide variety of topics that are covered. A schedule will be posted here each month. For more infomration contact the church office (

Adult Forums

January 12 - Introduction to Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
January 19 - Generations in Formation Together – Songs of Praise
January 26 - No Adult Formation - Annual Meeting (After 10am Liturgy)


Weekday Offerings

Episcopal 101

Join Father Neil for a series of classes on what it means to be a Christian in the Episcopal tradition and what it means to be a member at Grace Church. We’ll explore how Episcopalians look at Scripture, understand Church History, the Book of Common Prayer, and a whole host of other topics. We will meet on Wednesday January 29, February 5, 12, 19, and 26 at 6:00pm in the Library. A Zoom option is available for those who need to attend virtually..

Whether you are new to Grace, the Episcopal Church, or looking to deepen your understanding of what it means to be a Christian you are welcome to join us. This class is sufficient preparation for anyone  interested in being confirmed, received into the Episcopal Church, or renewing their Baptismal Vows. Contact Fr. Neil ( If you are interested in attending or would like more information.

Grace Book Club

Grace Church Book Club meets throughout the 3 seasons of fall, winter, spring but takes a vacation during the summer.  The Book Club meets on the second Monday in the month at 1:15 in the Parish House Parlor unless otherwise announcedIf interested, please contact Marlne Alexoff at

Seasonal Study Groups

We offer seasonal book studies during two times a year; in the late fall and during the season of Lent. Contact Fr. Neil ( if you are interested in participating.


Further Resources

We believe that all formation as Christians begins in worship.  As people of common prayer, we hold true to the belief that praying shapes believing.  We invite you to worship with us, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the lectionary readings.

You may also find that the daily office is a wonderful tool in maintaining your spiritual health and wellbeing.  You can find one option for helping you pray the daily office here: